Sunday, June 19, 2011

She VS Me

This is about what we got to ourselves.

She got many friends all around, I got few friends that's not even close to friend.
She have fun with them, I stay home and Facebooking.
She got her friends to go somewhere together, I went riding with myself.
She got things to do, I don't.
She got helps on things, I do it by myself.
She could have so much fun, while I sit down and watch tv.
She have allowance to spend on, while I have to ask from my mom and dad.
She could forget about me with her assignments and friends, when I, how would I do that?
She could call or text someone else for loneliness, while I don't because I don't have anybody but her.

Every thing with the word 'could' is a possibility.
It's not true all around but mine is.
And dear, if you're reading this, you don't know what I feel or what i've been through for you.

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