Saturday, June 11, 2011

Painful pain

Hey guys!
What's up?
So, uh...I don't know why but my blog is getting negative and more negative.
It's not the content.
It's the things I say and feel.
Yet so, this post is gonna be filled with another negative feelings.
So, here it is.
Jeng jeng jeng~~~ting~~

So,today was a bad day.
Well, it started well for a while but it starts to turn around at around 3 p.m.
The morning I was busy with photo shooting for a wedding.
I got home and on my way home, I used the road where my girlfriend's house was supposed to be.
I noticed a car at her house and I'm guessing it's her friend's rental car.
Her friends from UITM.
Back home I called her to make sure and yes it was.
So, when she was on her way to CS (Central/Centre Square), I asked her could I join them and she said that her friends were many and they were going there with 2 cars.
(This is a long story and prepare to cut it short)
So, I asked "So there's no room for me?"
and she said "sorry eh".
I didn't replied since then.
Then i decided to go to CS because I wanted to buy pair of shoes for my exam this Monday.
Got there and when I was surveying the shoes, I stumbled with her friends.
I pretend to cough and they looked at me and surprised.
Then they called my gf.
And bla bla bla..(skipping)
Back home I was pretty pissed off for no reason.
Got back home and slept for a while.
Got back up and decides to go for a ride then suddenly my dad wants to use the bike and I got really pissed off.
Then I stayed for a while besides my house and there was a kitten came slowly to my feet.
Then I grabbed hime silently.
For a second I thought it was okay but then, all hell broke lose!
The kitty was chomping on my finger.
It wasn't biting!
It was chomping!
*cutting short*
Went to the water pipe to clean up the wound.
It was swelling really bad.
Then from behind, my dad came and asked what happened.
Then I yelled it was the kitty.
He got back inside the house.
Right after that, while trying to endure the pain, I burst into tears.
Those pain in my heart that was building up for a long time went all out right that time.
The pain of the kitten bite actually helps me cried alot harder.
The pain in my heart was really unbearable.
What's worst is that I don't have anyone to let it out to.
Even my gf didn't know what I feltin my heart.
She's too busy and don't even have the time for me.
When I was crying, I thought of her and it basically made my cry worst!
She wasn't there when I needed her.
When I'm sad or happy or even angry, she's not there to help me get through all these things.
She's just didn't fucking understand what I felt!

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