Sunday, May 1, 2011

First Interview

Hey guys!
Sorry for not posting new updates for a long time.
I've been busy. (He's lying. He just don't have any idea to write.[My evil side])

This week I'm gonna have some Interviews.
I've done one this Thursday I got one more.
The first interview was kinda weird.
It was my first interview ever.
Here's the dialog between me and the interviewer.

Interviewer:Dulu adik sekolah Teknik ka?
Interviewer:Dulu sekolah mana?
Me:Sekolah Bakar Arang.
Interviewer:Oh...Mai dengan sapa ni?
Me:Dengan ayah.
Interviewer:Oh...Mai dgn ayah kan?
*shakes my hand and...*
Interviewer:Nanti tunggu surat. Bukan surat confirm dapat la. Surat dapat ka tak lah.
Me:Okay okay.
Interviewer:Terima kasih. Assalamualaikum.

Weird right?
I went out and told my dad about it.
He asked one of the staffs and she went to check what really happened.
My dad was afraid that my application was rejected.
She came out and told us that it is not and they will process it.
I waited for the interview for like almost one hour and the interview didn't even last for 5 minutes.

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